Veterinary Services
Pet Surgery in Fort Collins, CO
Our surgeons have experience in various surgeries, including spays, neuters, laceration repair, mass removals, and more.
Pet Surgery
We take every precaution to protect the security of your pet while it is sedated for surgery. Every surgical patient has a complete examination and pre-surgery blood workup to ensure the safe delivery of an anaesthesia protocol tailored to your pet’s needs. An IV catheter will be inserted into your pet’s leg prior to every surgical procedure to give instant access to your pet’s bloodstream, which is crucial in the event that emergency medication administration is required.

Each patient undergoing surgery will be prepared using cutting-edge sterilisation methods. A skilled professional who will be committed to your pet throughout and after each surgery will closely monitor blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, temperature, and many other characteristics. We place a focus on pain treatment prior to, during, and following surgery.
We offer a wide range of surgical services, including:
- Spay and Neuter
- Laceration Repair
- Hematoma Repair
- Mass Removals
- Biopsies